As a landlord or owner of a property management company, your success depends on your ability to collect rental income, protect your properties and safeguard yourself from litigation. When a tenant violates a lease by not paying rent, destroying your property, disrupting your business operations or other tenants or engaging in dangerous and possibly illegal behavior, your business is at risk.
When an economic or noneconomic breach of the lease occurs, you need to contact an experienced landlord-tenant attorney right away. With proper legal representation, you can avoid bigger problems in the future and be assured the right steps are being taken to resolve the issue efficiently and in a legally compliant way. Landlord-tenant laws in Michigan are strict; violating these rules could leave you open to a lawsuit or stuck with a problem tenant who should have been evicted.
At Galloway and Collens, PLLC, our lawyers can help you address any type of lease violation, provide advice on eviction requirements and, if necessary, pursue the eviction process within the legal system. Contact us if your tenant has committed any type of residential lease violation, including:
At Galloway and Collens, PLLC, we focus our residential real estate practice on the representation of landlords and property management companies. Because of this specialization we typically do not represent residential tenants.
As a landlord, you may find that some lease violations are minor and a resolution short of eviction is a better approach. If you are facing a unique problem, we are here to offer creative practical solutions.
Sometimes, however, the best attempts to resolve matters amicably with a tenant fail or the breach of lease is serious enough so that initiating the eviction process immediately may be the best option for you and your business.
When you need a strong advocate in an eviction action, we encourage you to contact our law firm right away. The only legal way to evict a tenant is by obtaining a court judgment of possession and then an order of eviction. If you as a landlord try to force the tenant out of the residence without a legal order, also known as engaging in a “self-help” eviction, you are violating the law and could face significant civil liability.
As your legal counsel, we will take the burdens of these concerns off your shoulders. Our lawyers have an in-depth understanding of Fair Housing laws and the eviction process. We have the experience and know the necessary steps to ensure the swift and proper resolution of your case. We will help you get rid of the “bad apples,” chronic late payers and unwanted holdovers, so you can return your focus to the success of your operations.
When a tenant violates his or her lease, we can help you address the issue swiftly, efficiently and legally. Contact our Oakland County lawyers at 248-545-2500 to learn more.
Our law firm is ready to help. Contact the real estate and estate planning attorneys at Galloway and Collens, PLLC.
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